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- Chooses to enjoy a pleasure
- Could impress upon paper
- Evening be whose seasons
- Had grass morning
- He must have tried
- Heaven and earth seem
- However a small line
- I ought to just try
- It is a paradisematic country
- Made open likeness
- Nothing the copy said could
- People all the time
- Pityful a rethoric ques
- Pring which I enjoy
- Pronunciation more common
- Said could convince her and
- She packed her seven versalia
- Simple and regular than
- The blind texts it is an almost
- The breath of that universal love
- The headboard so
- Their pronunciation and their most
- Then she continued her way
- Then they are still using her
- These cases are perfectly
- To achieve this it would be necessary
- To enjoy a pleasure
- Unknown plants are noticed
- When darkness overspreads
- When I hear the buzz
- When I hear the buzz
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- Airplanes May Kill You, but They Ain’t Likely to Hurt You
- Chicago is an October Sort of City Even in Spring
- Faces That Have Charmed Us the Most Escape Us the Soonest
- Honor is Not the Exclusive Property of Any Political Party
- The Internet is a Telephone System That’s Gotten Uppity
- The World’s Biggest Power is the Youth and Beauty of a Woman